Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7-He Has Done Great Things

Luke 1:46-55 is Mary's praise song to the Lord when she was told she will carry the Messiah.
She was very young, but we see in this song that she also was educated according to the Jewish laws. She knew who God was. She knew what He had performed in the past. But what really impresses me are these verses:

"For from now on all generations will call me blessed, because he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name; from generation to generation he is merciful to those who fear him."

She knew she was vital in the coming of the Messiah. I think many times God calls us to be a vital part of His kingdom but it passes us by. During Christmas season, is it possible that Jesus appears to us in various ways, but we don't realize it? How about the lonely one who has no family? Those who are hungry, but they do not get invited to the scheduled Christmas banquet. This would definitely be an interruption to our family dinner, really?

I'm hoping that some churches are having banquets and inviting those in the "highways, byways"—the fatherless, homeless, poor, the widows. There probably is a lot more of this being done than what I'm aware of. I think this would be God's way of celebrating Christmas. The angels didn't go to the churches to announce Jesus' birth, but to the rejected shepherds working in the field.

God bless you

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