Saturday, December 11, 2010

December 11-Patience

This month is passing quickly. Or so it seems. There are still the same hours in a day and the same minutes in an hour. What will it be like when we are not scheduled to time? That is the reason we get impatient with God. We think He is on the same time as we are, and He is not limited to time. He works on a total different schedule than you and I.

So that is a gift...patience...we just have a difficult time putting it into practice. God has given us to the ability to have patience, so we have this gift which we really feel incapable of using, yet it is available. Maybe patience is like that gift you receive and yet really don't like. So you put it in a corner and forget about it. Every once in a while you look at it and shake your head, wondering why in the world someone thought you needed it.

Well God is different. He knows we need patience. He knows we don't like it, but also knows as He gives us trials and we start using it, we will eventually realize the value of patience...patience with joy that is.

God bless you

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