Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2-God's Perfect Gift

Yesterday I mentioned the best gift God gave us. There is a 2nd part to that gift--me receiving it. We all have done it, received a gift and returned it. Maybe we didn't return it to the giver, but to the store. Why did we do it? It wasn't the right size, color, or we just didn't need it.

God's gift was perfect in every way. We don't always see that because we need to sacrifice our flesh to it. Why would we not accept this Perfect Gift. He is all we need. God has sent us all He had and the best of Him.

So today think about accepting the gift and why you would want to reject it. If you haven't already accepted Jesus as your gift for life, I would encourage you to do so today. After all, it is the season for receiving gifts, and giving them.

God bless you. Have a great day.

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