Thursday, May 19, 2011

Do This

This evening our friends came to visit, what a joy! The subject came up of the verse "Do this in remembrance of me." This is what Jesus told his disciples right before His crucifixion. Think about this. He had to tell them what to do to remember Him. They were with him every day. They ate with Him, walked with Him, saw the miracles first hand. And they had to be told what to do to remember??

Yet, are we any better? I think not. We complain as if we have no God. We become discouraged, downhearted, tired of "the same ole thing." God gives us remembrances every day. Yes, we too need reminders. God never forgets us. He puts things right in front of us to remind us of Him. Sometimes it passes us by. We miss it.

What was it that the disciples were to do: break bread together and wash feet. I do not think this was only a communion effort. I believe every day we can serve someone. Reach out to someone. Encourage them. "Do this in remembrance of me." Do it for Jesus. When we reach out, our spirit will be renewed.

The doctor was pleased with my leg today. I'm still in a constrainer (brace), but the incision looks good. I will return in another week for another check-up.

God is incredibly awesome!!

God bless you

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