Monday, July 5, 2010

What Else can be done?

Isaiah 5:4 "What more could have been done to My vineyard that I have done in it? Why then, when I expected it to bring for good grapes did it bring forth wild grapes?"

That was the question God asked concerning the nation of Israel. Wouldn't He be asking the same thing of the nations today? The answer is, that God has given us everything we need, but we refuse it! We want "me" in control. I feel it in the whole atmosphere, on TV, in magazines, people is all about "me" and little about God. We, who are His children, are on a mission. Let your light shine in this dark world.

I had a front-line seat at the fireworks last night. I sat on the back porch, and watched the "show". This community has fireworks over the lake every year. It was beautiful, but the noise and smoke filled the air brought earthquake flash-backs. I wonder how long it will take not to have those flashbacks?

Tomorrow is a special day! I am to have my prosthesis (my goal is to be walking by the time Patrick returns from Haiti :) ) And tomorrow Rachel will meet Pat in GA. He is moving to GA!!! It is a few free days for them, before he reports on duty in his new Post.

I'm off to writing (my book, that is). Have a great day with Jesus. Give someone a special "Jesus" smile with a lot of love.

Pray for Patrick. Last news was that he is doing well. He was traveling to the village (Saturday noon).

God bless you

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