Friday, July 23, 2010


Instead of "take up your bed and walk", I say, give up your walker and walk.

I did today. Agape helped me. For the first time I walked without holding on, or feeling the need to. Am I doing it all the time? No. I walked 2 times further than 2 days ago. Then I held on to Agape. So there is some progress. Thanks for praying.

I was reading Job 1 today. In spite of all his problems and losses, he said, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord." Can I in the midst of suffering and loss bless the Lord? Can you? What is it that will make us not bless the Name of the Lord? Is there something?

He is worthy to be praised, no matter what happens. He is Good and Right.

God bless you each one

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