Saturday, November 26, 2011

Half Hearted Worship

I just read something in the book by Warren Wiersbe, Be Amazed, how people would be offerings to the altar that were not perfect. The priests accepted it, but if people would bring a lamb for the priest that wasn't perfect they rejected it. The thought is, if God would accept half-hearted sacrifices, He wouldn't be a God worthy of worship.

There are no excuses for half-hearted worship or sacrifice. 1 Chronicles 16:29 "Give to the LORD the glory due His name; Bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness!"

With the Thanksgiving holiday past and Christmas coming, I think we should consider what we really do with Christmas. People have already stood in lines for hours for the sales on Black Friday. Call me a scrooge, I really don't mind. I do not think God is pleased with me if I am using money for things I don't need,  or someone else don't need, but only have a mere dollar to put in the offering on Sunday.

Oh the holidays are fun, no doubt. Is there anything I do that can be changed that would really glorify God in the celebrations? I remember many years ago, I wondered at the banquets that were given in the church I was attending. There were banquets for each age group in church, but I never heard a word about inviting the ones who had no family, single parents, homeless, etc.

There is something about giving a gift to someone who cannot return the favor. Doesn't it make you feel so good? My sister just told me that her and her husband are planning an open house for all the people on their street. They haven't met most of them, yet have lived in that neighborhood for over 10 years. This can open doors for sharing God's love to them.

I guess I wanted to challenge our worship before the holiday rush starts in, if it hasn't already, so that we can pray how God really wants us to share Christmas. Let's be a light to the world, and not expect the christmas lights to do that. We have the true Light! Let's shine it for the world!

God bless you

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