"For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my
kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my
peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee." Isaiah 54:10
I love this verse. In the midst of the worst situation, God's kindness will stay with me. His peace will abide. I remember the quake. I remember just laying there on the ground. I don't know why I wasn't miserable. Maybe hurting too bad to know I was hurting. I remember the next day, Cherline said to me, "Mom, you really touched me." I asked her why. She replied, "You never screamed, moaned or groaned. You just lay there." That is God's mercy. God's peace.
He has proved Himself faithful many times over. Before the quake and since the quake. His promises will always stay true! That day the hills moved, but God's peace stayed with me.
I don't know what you are experiencing today, perhaps you have your own shaking and uprooting. So many things can go wrong in this life, and yet we can know and trust God for His peace and mercy.
There are always heartaches during the holidays. Families that are fighting. Others have an incurable disease. Others lose a family member. So many hurts. But God's peace rules in the hearts of those whose mind is stayed on Him.
Look away from the situation, and put your trust in God. The hurt may not go away, but you will have His peace to take you through it.
God bless you.
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