Saturday, June 5, 2010

Though None Go with Me

I am not much of a "movie" person. This morning for some reason I turned to the Hallmark channel, and there it was a movie, "Though none go with me". I cried. It made me wonder, "would I go on if none go with me?" Do you ever feel alone in your faith? My prayer is that even though no one else follows that I would still follow Jesus.

Yesterday was one of those was supposed to be a wonderful fun day,instead it was not so fun, stressful and we ended up returning home and just resting. What do we do with those times? Grunt, sigh, scream, or pray. I love how God brings prayers to our hearts or verses to our memory for times like these.

Turn on worship music and go to bed. "Count it all joy", why did that song play on a day like this? Really? Could it be that God "just happened" to put it on the list?? I think so. It really reminded me that there is nothing so bad that didn't deserve joy in Jesus. I pray I will be faithful in my walk with the Lord.

Pray for Patrick and Agape. Patrick will need to stay in haiti longer, because he needs extra hours to get the truck out of customs, get tags and insurance. For those of you who do not know, Haiti always takes longer to accomplish something legal.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I remember that movie! It was really good; it made me cry too. Praying for you guys and am privileged to read of your progress.