Wednesday, June 16, 2010

In the Beginning

John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God."
Nothing has changed. That is God is the Same, He is still the Word and always will be. Man becomes increasingly wicked but God does not change. Aren't we so thankful, that in all the chaos the world is in, we can still know that God is the Rock. He is the One who can be trusted and depended on. HE Keeps His Word. God cannot lie.

It was a quiet day. Trying to be ready for the 2nd fitting tomorrow. Then off to the eye doctor.

But right now, I'm off to find a klondike. Great treat before bed. Yum!

Patrick is doing well. Until now air conditioning causes more phantom pain for him. But he doesn't want to be without the air. Too hot and humid.

Have a good night and a blessed tomorrow.

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