Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Quiet Day

It is a quiet day, very quiet. The hum of lawn mowers. Birds flitting here and there. Canadian geese on the lake. Great time for thinking, remembering and allowing God to search my heart. The grafting of heart issues can be more painful than the physical amputation. But the heart grafting often comes during the suffering of life issues.

I just wonder what it will be like to once again be able to walk, to do laundry, dust and clean the house. Then I remember those who have been paraplegic for many years, and have no hope of ever "doing their own work" again. I think of Joni Earikson who has prayed for healing, even though not physically healed, she has blessed so many in spite of her physical disabilities. My sister told me last night, now she sees so many amputees and had never noticed before.

My heart is in Haiti, my body is in Tallahassee. Praying. That is why we need quiet days...praying....quiet bustle...just you and the Lord....quiet...just me and the Lord. Sweet fellowship.

Pray the truck will be released from customs today. Everything is so difficult to accomplish now in haiti.
Pray for protection and good health for Patrick and Agape.
Pray as I use this quiet time to write the book I started before the quake.
Pray for Kaye, she is still in Switzerland ministering to people there.

God bless you. We love you all!! You are an encouragement.

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