Sunday, March 20, 2011


I was reminded this morning that we need to learn to walk in the shoes of others with love, not judgmental attitude. How often do I see someone and judge who they are or why they do or act a certain way without taking the time to walk in their shoes.

Patrick and I talked about how difficult it would have been if only one of us had had an amputation. Maybe it would have been so much more difficult to understand the pain of another. When Patrick was speaking to another amputee in Haiti, she listened. She knew he knew her situation. He felt her pain, discouragement, her devastation.

We are commanded to walk in love. The only way to truly love another is to be understanding of their situation. This does not mean we make excuses for sin, but we do need to approach in a loving and understanding way in order to reach them with love.

I guess my question today is, "How many people do we pass every day who seldom feel love from someone? Who seldom are encouraged by a smile?" We can do that much. Try to feel their pain, their discouragement. God has sent us on a mission.

I have felt your prayers and encouragement often. And again now, that I am not able to use my prosthesis for a time. I pray I can encourage others like you have encouraged me. Thank you.

God bless you

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