Monday, July 9, 2012

Miracles or Luck

The more I read the scriptures, the more I am amazed at God's continuity throughout the scriptures. His faithfulness to His people is proven throughout the scriptures. Miracles upon miracles! Why were there miracles then, but now we just don't see them as much, if ever? I personally believe we would see more miracles, but we do not give God the opportunity. The States has wealth, and most who live here have money. So we can buy our way through most situations. When tragedy happens, the first thing most people do is strike out for insurance instead of praying. We depend so much on our government to provide and do everything. Those days are fast coming to an end.

In other countries, people do see more miracles. The sick are healed, provisions are given, and even in some cases the dead are raised. I also believe that many times God has provided or performed miracles, and we say, "Wow, I was lucky!" Does this sound familiar? And perhaps, we think it is just a way of expression, but we need to be more verbal about God's provision. Give Him the glory!

God is faithful when we pray! He merits glory. But you may say, but I have prayed and God didn't answer...did you pray the need or the answer? That's a blog for another day! Let's talk about that tomorrow?

God bless you

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