Monday, May 7, 2012

Household Chores

Monday, the first day of the work week. No I'm not in the work roller coaster, but schedules do affect me. We have a busy week up ahead. My job is to care for the kids, oh and to answer phone, emails, prepare some forms, and breathe. Today was laundry day. May God wash and clean my heart, and as I fold clothes, may He bring order in my life. And a few shirts to iron, only a few, but may God press His word into my heart.

I believe there is a lesson in almost every household chore that I do. But I don't always think of those lessons when I'm doing it. Like this morning, I cleaned a very dusty mirror. I was seeing through a glass darkly. No it wasn't a bathroom mirror. Just one that takes some effort to get to. And I guess that is why we allow some things to darken our spiritual's just a bit difficult to get to. We don't want to confess sin, or pride is in the way, or unforgiveness.

So next time we are busy with household chores, let's bring some joy into it and see how many things are parallel to our spiritual life.

Oh, you want one more for the "road"....just as spraying alcohol on the counter tops, toilet seats, and mirror sanitizes so the Word sprinkled in my heart keeps it pure.

God bless you

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