Friday, March 23, 2012

His Will in Heaven

Matthew 6:10 "Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven."

This prayer means so much more to me today than it ever has before. I am thinking many of you have already understood this a long time ago. I was reading one of Lynn Austin's books, and she wrote "The angels in heaven do not question God's commands, they just obey." How did this ever pass me by? And perhaps, just perhaps, this is the reason I'm reading this book. God wanted me to learn this truth.

This truth will only be learned if I obey and continue to obey. It doesn't matter what the command is. Jesus obeyed all the way to the cross. In Philippians 2:8 it says that he became obedient to death, even death on the cross. I am thinking he became obedient and died to self, then he was ready to die on the cross.

So why am I writing this to you, for one reason, so I don't forget this truth! I dare not forget! No wonder the world is in such a mess, we think we can choose what we want to obey. We try to justify our disobedience. And our disobedience should be fine, as long as society accepts it. Wrong!

As Christine Caine says, "We are not saved to be safe, but to be radical." Jesus was a radical. Let obedience take us to the cross and beyond!

Have a good weekend
God bless you

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