Saturday, August 7, 2010

Joshua 14:12 "Now give me this mountain region which the LORD spoke of that day. You heard that the people of Anak are still there and that they have large, fortified cities. If the LORD is with me, I can force them out, as he promised."

This was a request by Caleb. Where are the Caleb's of today? We want mountain top experiences but not the climb to the top. We are want to wander in the valley where it is comfortable. I feel like I have been trying to climb the mountain, but it is painful, heavy and uncomfortable. I also don't want to stay where I am, walking with a walker. I want freedom. So I must put forth the effort, joyfully and thankful. I'm convinced it is the only way to freedom.

The rest of that verse is amazing. Caleb knew the mountain had enemies and he still ask for it. He knew he could fight them. I think we pray more, "Don't send me there, Lord, there are people who don't like me." Let's rise above the rubble of our lives, take the challenge, and take the mountain before us.

Walking is better, very little pain now. Patrick is doing well in Haiti.

Have a great weekend. God is so God
God bless you each one.

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