Monday, June 6, 2011

Expensive Perfume

This story is found in Matthew 26:6-13. I'm sure you know it. It is about Mary when she brought the expensive perfumed oil to Simeon's house where Jesus was dining.

She went to the table and poured the oil over his head. Mary loved Jesus. She gave her best. Her heart was filled with love for him. She had been forgiven much, and she loved much. Her motive for this act of love was right. But...the disciples were disgruntled to think that Mary wasted so much money on perfume when it could have been given to the poor. They saw it as a waste. Jesus rebuked them saying this was for His burial.

Isn't this just the way it is? You are sincere in your actions. Your motives are right. You really thought you sensed God wanted you to reach out, even out of your comfort zone. Then someone comes along and finds fault. Your heart sinks. You wonder how you could have missed the mark when you thought it was so right.

It has happened me to me again and again. I was accused wrongly. What do we do? We do what Mary did—we continue to pour the oil of blessing. We do not need to justify our deeds if they are God-given. God is our defender. Our ministry is to keep blessing others as God blesses us. Forgive your offenders and look to your Defender.

Pray for Patrick. Rain has covered Haiti for many days now. He is in the village and cannot leave. I had contact with him this evening, and there is still rain. Pray for their safety. When this happens in the village, many people do not have food. They cook with wood, and all the wood is wet.

God bless you

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