Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today I'm thinking of Abraham, but really Abram because it was before his name was changed. God called him to leave his family, his land and go to a land where God would show him. He is going, not knowing where. And he went, not knowing where he was going, only that God had called him out of his land. Remember he wasn't from a christian home. He was in a land that served idols. He didn't have a Bible. How was Abraham sure it was God's voice? What caused him to decide to leave?

Years later, again, God called him to sacrifice his only son. The very one that God promised would make him a father of many nations. Abraham got up the next morning, started up the mountain with his son. Now wait a minute. How was Abraham so sure it was God's voice? Abraham became one of the great patriarchs of Bible history.

We have the Bible, we have the Holy Spirit, yet we doubt when we are at a crossroad which gives us an option to obey or not to obey God's voice. We have this idea that if it is not culturally accepted it must not be God. Where does this come from? Abraham's calling certainly wasn't culturally correct. But he obeyed.

There are so many voices all around us every day. The TV is on, news is blaring, sports, style shows, etc. Just noise. Maybe we are crowding God's voice out. Take the time today to be quiet before the Lord. Listen to Him. Read His Word. He may have a message for you. Will you obey?

Today our 2 little ones have a fever. Patrick is in Haiti, trying to get to the village but the rains have caused the rivers to rise and he can't cross. He was going to try one more road. I haven't heard if he got through. Pray for him.

God bless you

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