Reading this verse, I am convinced other people are not the oppression...I am my own worst enemy. Oh for sure others can influence me, hurt me, anger me. But the bottom line is, my attitude toward all this is my option. I can choose to rejoice and be glad, or I can choose to be angry and hate.
It is me that gives "me" the greatest problems. I can put myself in a whirl of discouragement so quickly. Why is that? Because I do not stay in Word. I take my eyes off Jesus, even for a moment. Of course, satan is behind all this. But God has given us the power to resist satan. He has given me the tools for the day, being clothed in the armor of God.
That is what makes it hard, I cannot even point a finger and accuse someone else for my misery. But from the beginning man pointed fingers and blamed others. Adam blamed Eve for giving him a bite of the fruit...Adam knew the rule, "Don't eat." Eve blamed the serpent..but Eve knew the command. We do the same thing. We blame others when things don't go well.
We cannot change others but we can change ourselves. By changing "me", others can change. For me, one of the easiest way to get out of sorts, is to feel sorry for myself. Self-pity is self destructing. It doesn't stay at self-pity, it is soon pointing fingers and blaming others.
So Barb, choose this day who you will serve. I choose God, self serving is quite miserable.
God is a Grace giving God, a God of mercy and forgiveness. Grace! What a gift it is!
God Bless you
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