Friday, February 4, 2011

Pursue for Peace

The following thoughts are not original with me, but definitely worthy of sharing. I confess I have felt a bit "empty" the past several days. But this was a challenge/blessing to me.

"For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men. Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another." (Romans 14:18-19)

If we insist on our freedoms, we may damage the weaker person. If we argue over matters, they may be encouraged to do something they do not have faith to do. Let the Holy Spirit convince them if it is necessary. Can't we trust the Teacher to do His work in their lives? Our insistence on others seeing our perspective is often no more than pride. Do and say what leads to peace and mutual edification.

Is destroying another just to have your own way worth it?

Whenever you are doing something that threatens the peace of a community, or a church, or a group, or an individual, so that they cannot handle it, so that they become angry and upset, then back off. You, who are strong, bear that burden. Do not insist on your rights. Some people get so intent on having their rights that I have seen them indulge in the very presence of people they knew would be highly offended by what they did, simply because they wanted to show how free they were. Paul says that kind of thing is absolutely wrong. (Ray Stedman)

What are some permissible things which, given the call to be mindful of other believers, I need to personally limit or eliminate?

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