Just 2 short weeks ago, we shared at a church how to overcome obstacles. Little did we know that so soon we would be dealing with yet another obstacle. Arlene is still in intensive care, still not responding and we don't have many answers yet.
Oh we do need our focus to be on the Lord, and not on the situation. For you see, if we focus on this situation it will be very confusing and cause us to question the Lord. But knowing that God is truly in control, He calls the "shots," He knows the beginning from the end, and He Knew from the beginning that this would happen.
In the last 2 1/2 years, my family has had many obstacles: Patrick and I in the earthquake, recovering from amputations; my youngest sister had breast cancer with a long year of chemo, radiation and surgeries; immediately after that her husband died very suddenly, and now Arlene.
God knew every one of these things. He allowed them to happen. But He promised to go with us, never to leave us and will not give us more than we can handle. His Grace will be sufficient.
What will we suffer tomorrow? I have no idea. It doesn't matter, as long as God goes with me. I remember the words of Moses, when God asked him to go into enemy ground. His response was, "Unless You go with me, I cannot go." And that is where we are, we cannot go anywhere unless the Lord goes with us.
We see little positive in Arlene's situation, but I don't doubt for a minute that there are many positive things happening. I do know that last Sunday in the church Bill and Arlene attend the altar was filled with praying people. A first! This is positive. And it is true, obstacles bring prayer warriors together. People that don't pray, will start praying in times of distress.
I do not know your obstacle today, but I do know that God will bring good from it if you allow it. If you are His child. Look up into His eyes. Let Him hug you with His Arms. He is the Only One that will be rock solid in your obstacle.
We do not doubt for a minute that God has left us in this present situation. We believe God is using this obstacle in a mighty way. We wait on God to wake Arlene up!
God bless you
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