Monday, April 30, 2012

Spiritual Couponing

Psalm 119:2-3 I am the happiest and blessed if I seek Him with all my heart and follow in His footsteps.

What does this look like in my life? I don't know why I think of this as an example, but for those who coupon, they seek for hours to get the best deal and coupons. They figure out how they can shop, have a lot of items and spend only a few dollars. I have not been able to make it work. I don't know if I don't "seek" enough, or if I don't use the right items. But I have spent a lot of time trying to coupon...and I'm still not a coupon enthusiast.

That's what God wants, He wants me to search and dig into His word to find the best deal. His deal far exceeds a coupon! His deals are forever, not only a weekly special! But in order for me to hold on to the "deal" I need to obey His word. Obedience brings joy.

Nothing should come into the place of seeking Him and obeying Him. Dying to self and carrying my cross. Follow in the steps of Jesus. As painful as it was, Jesus carried His cross, he never threw it aside and said, "I've had it! I'm done! What kind of God would ever ask me to do this, and especially for the ones who hate me? I'm out of here!" Sound familiar? But Jesus never did. He was obedient all the way.

The Word of God is better than a coupon...every day there is a "special" for us. Oh yes, sometimes we need to have some clipping done in our heart, but God is faithful and will give us the best "deal" you have ever found!

God bless you 

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