Friday, August 12, 2011


Revelation 22:10 "And he said to me, "Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand."

Time is so important to us. We almost live to the minute. Appointments should be kept within 5 minutes. This is so different from most Third World nations. One can sit for several hours in an office waiting to be served. Weddings run late. Church services can be late as well.

But this is not so with God. Although He is not limited to a clock, His will and plan will never be late. EVER!! That is comforting. Think about Jesus. He was born at exactly the time God had chosen. His ministry started on time, not when others thought he should or shouldn't start ministry. He arrived on the Sea of Galilee right on time before the storm swallowed up the disciples. His death was at the appointed time, as well as the resurrection and ascension. Time!

Are we on time? Will we be on time? God has an appointed time forJesus' return. We have everything we need to be prepared. God will be on time. The end is near.

Back to earth...Patrick's flight was delayed in Haiti. So he waits. His plane is scheduled to arrive in Miami at 9:07 tonight. Only 1 1/2 hours late.

Be prepared. Be waiting for our Lord's return.

God bless you.

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