Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Now we are beyond Christmas, and approaching New Year.

Before Christmas, I was hearing different approaches to the celebration—too much fuss, not enjoying family, families fight at dinners, loving Christmas, loving gifts, oh no I forgot to get her a gift and I just found out she got me one. The list could go on.

When I heard the remark, "Oh no, I forgot to get her a gift, and found out she got me a gift" it got me thinking. For you see that is not gift giving, it is exchanging a gift. Isn't gift giving doing that which cannot be returned? If we are remembering Jesus at Christmas, then a gift is that which isn't a return. He did for us what we cannot do for others or Him. The only thing we can do is give Him our life, but it doesn't compare with what He has done!

Lines are long to exchange gifts that weren't the right color, size, or just not wanted. I trust we are not exchanging the ultimate gift, Jesus, for something of less value!

I do hope you all had a Blessed Christmas.

God bless you

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