Saturday, May 29, 2010

Against the stream

Where did yesterday go? Obviously not blogging. All is well. Patrick and Agape are having meetings in Miami, then on to Haiti on Monday. I miss them!! Rachel is making sure I stay on my one leg and not on the floor. :)) Thanks Rach.

A canoe just went upstream on the lake by our apartment. The couple was paddling as a team. I'm sure it would have been easier to go with the flow of the water. That is what God asks us to do....go against the worldly flow...paddle upstream with God's children. Work together. Work as a team, as one Body. The work will be easier and we won't be "paddling" alone. God wants us to make a difference, and we cannot do that if we just do what everyone else is doing or what "feels good".

Today be that person who is encouraging someone, has a smile, refuses to complain and is a light in the dark world.

Go against the worldly stream!!

Have a blessed weekend.

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