Monday, March 22, 2010

One Step Back

We have heard from Patrick. He is doing well. He taught in Bible School class on Saturday and also preached Sunday morning. Yesterday afternoon he was visiting in the near-by town of Cote-de-Fer. It has lots of damage from the quake. He will assess the damage and what can be done to help. I will be so happy to have him here again.

For me, it is one step back. I have some infection in my incision and it needs de-breeding. The doctor suspects a piece of stitch that has been festering and now is manifesting itself. Tomorrow we meet the doctor, and hopefully will have the "work" done so healing can continue. We really need to be in Sarasota this week. We want to be there when the guys return from Haiti and we have the concert this week, plus preaching schedules. So pray!!

Today was a fun day out with Rachel. It was wheelchair through the mall. The first outing of "fun" for me. Took my mind off the appointment tomorrow. Lots of laughter...

Exodus 14:13 "And Moses said unto the people, fear not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will show you this day; for the Egyptians whom ye have see to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever."
When we are standing at our "Red Sea" and need a parting of waters, Stand still...The Lord will show you the way". He is faithful. He is the same God, yesterday, today and forever. He is Good and He is Right!

Be Blessed, wake up refreshed in the Lord.

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