Thursday, February 18, 2010

Is it Worth it?

The Quake? The pain? People lost their lives? The country lies in ruins? Surgeries, doctor visits, one leg gone, one arm missing? Is this worth it?

Yesterday 20 young people in Mayette alone gave their lives to the Lord. Their parents are angry about this, but it doesn't matter to them. We have not had news from other villages, but this is great news!!

If it takes a quake to shake the nation to turn towards God, then yes it is worth it!
Souls for eternity!!

The nation of Haiti had a 3 day national Fasting and Prayer, but President Preval continued the fast for 5 days!! We trust people will turn their hearts toward God and continue to serve Him.

We continue to have doctors visits, and have had our first visit with the Orthotics doctor. Within a month, Patrick will be ready to start the process for a prosthetic arm. I will need a bit more healing time. We are excited to see the progress. We are still experiencing a lot of pain, but know time will heal.

Without each of you, giving us encouragement and your prayers this recovery time would be more difficult. Thank you and may you each know how very much God loves you.


Unknown said...

Praise God! He is able to do so much more than we could possibly imagine. Whether it's an easthquake or heartquake, He gets all the glory.
Thanks so much for sharing!!

Unknown said...

The parents may be angry, but there is rejoicing in heaven!!!