Wednesday, February 17, 2010

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:20.
What is my purpose for getting out of bed this morning? I am God's workmanship, He has prepared me beforehand that I should walk in Him, even with one leg. What a privilege to serve a God that loves me so much that He has already gone the path I will be "hopping" today.
Yesterday was a big day. Two very long appointments. One was the orthodic doctor and we talked about prosthesis. He was such an encouragement. He is a christian and has a prosthesis himself. While there, we met a young man who is a double amputee, but is getting around great on his prosthetic legs. It was great to meet him. The doctor is sure that once I have my prosthesis I will hardly be considered handicapped. I can drive!! Watch out!! :)) I am not quite ready for the prosthesis yet, more healing to be done.
Patrick is ready to start his prosthesis, but it will be a bit more difficult to learn to use. But learn, he will. While he is learning, he will use the time to preach wherever he is invited to share the Word.
We love you all. Thank you for your prayers.

1 comment:

Scott Rigsby said...

What a great verse. Thanks so much for sharing. All the very best on your "Unthinkable" journey.

Scott Rigsby