Saturday, February 6, 2010


We are settled in the home where we are, and working on adjustments. Sleep doesn't come easy for Patrick. Then there is pain diversion, trying to find an activity that would busy our minds away from the pain. We are working on weaning from all the drugs, pain killers, etc.
One of the diversions is "SkipBo", a card game for those of you who may not know. It can be played any time of day or night.
Today Stumpy and I celebrated my birthday together. Stumpy had her 1st shower!! She did quite well, with very little pain afterwards. This shows me that even though the stitches aren't out yet, the incision is closed.
We continue to rejoice in God's goodness and faithfulness every day!
Please continue to pray for Patrick for the pain to decrease. We are both off the harsh pain killers.
Pray for strength for us. We tire easily. It takes a lot of effort to make a trip to the bathroom, or to take a shower, or come to the table. But every day will get easier.
We love you all.


Les Helmuth said...

patrick & barb - you are amazing, God is even more so for healing and bringing you along so far. You continue to be in our prayers.

Sue Berger said...

I love you guys. I am praying for you continually. God is so gracious. Hang in there.
I love you, sue

Unknown said...

Hello there from snowy central PA! Keep on moving around. You will get stronger as time goes on. Eat some good food. God is there for you. Will there be another address to send letters,cards, etc.? God's blessings be upon you.