Thursday, October 11, 2012

Go in the Name of the Lord

I think a lot of the condition of America. I also hear a lot of rumble from Americans, and even Christians, lashing out at our leaders, esp. President Obama, and how he has caused the downward spiral of the economic recession, etc.

Then as I read through the Old Testament, a thread of truth keeps running through the scriptures. The nation of Israel was formed on the laws of God, of a people chosen by God, and commanded to give their whole heart into obedience to God. When that didn't happen,and they chose to serve other gods and build altars to other Gods, there were repercussions for the choices. God chose a king to fight against them or to take them into captivity. There were times when God sent famine or other natural catastrophes to judge the people.

God is the same yesterday, today and forever. So why do we think it is Obama's fault. I believe that God is judging America for our silence in speaking out for God. Where was the church when prayer was taken from school? Where was the church when abortion was legalized? Where is the church today when some churches are having pastors in a homosexual relationship/marriage? There are many pastors who are turning their hearts toward a more modern way of presenting God, to please the people.

Is this what God wants? Is revival going to come if we as Christians sit back and only complain about our government leaders? Really? Judgement has come.

Again, I quote Christine Caine, "We were not saved to be safe. We were saved to be radical." There just is no other way. But won't we be an offense to people? Yes, we will. So was Jesus. The church leaders in His day were offended. His greatest critics came from the church/temple.

Let's learn to stand for Jesus....He gave His all for us. Read the Word, Pray, then go in the name of the Lord.

God bless you

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