Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Seek and ye shall Find

We are in the "seek" mode right now. Seeking living quarters in Miami. We have only looked at 3 houses, so we continue. Pray that we will be aware of God's leading. We want what God has for us here. So much to do.

What sounds best right now is resting!! So maybe I'm seeking a good night's sleep, so we can house shop again tomorrow. Our heart is with our grandkids/kids as they are all sick. I guess it was just too much Thanksgiving.

Phantom pain is worse, so is Patrick's. Not sure why. I'm ready to have a permanent prosthesis. Soon.

Let's use this December to help those seeking for peace, light and hope. We have hope. Let's share it. There are so many lonely people out in the world. Let's be available for them.

God bless you

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