Friday, August 10, 2012

My Daily Cross

I am really enjoying my readings in the Old Testament. Today there were several verses that bolded out for me. I am reading Deuteronomy...
9:4-6 says to me (My own wording) When I come into success or victory in a battle, don't say it is because of my righteousness or brain power. It is all about God's power and way. He wants me to understand that God is not giving me success because I'm right and good, because I am not...I'm stubborn and sinful.

This kind of laid it out plain and clear. Now I know it was talking about the children of Israel, but the New Testament also says that the Old was given to me for example and learning. So I have nothing to brag about. I can only brag about God, and be obedient to His call and He will do the rest.

In chapter 10:12-13 (again my translation) All that is required of me is to fear God, walk in His ways, love Him and serve Him with all my heart. Oh, keep his commandments. It is all for my good.

This should be quite easy, after all, I do Love God and want to serve Him. But with ALL my heart? That would mean giving up my selfish desires. That is where the battle comes. And it is a battle. Our 5 year old grand-daughter frequently reminds us of our nature, "but, Daddy, I want_____." Fill in the blank.

Yes, I want, but what I want may not be the best for me. I believe this is my cross to bear daily, to give up my wants and serve Him with my whole heart. But without Him, I would not have the strength to carry it. He is my Strength, my Joy, my Comfort.

God bless you

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