Passion, desire, love, takes all that to make something happen. The couch potatoes usually don't accomplish so much.
This morning as I was sitting at the desk, Zion came and asked, "May I have Grandma's mac computer?" I told him I was busy for right now. So he climbed up on the office chair, and sat behind me, "well, I have to wait again." And he did. He stayed until I was dome.
Determination...yes, it was a child wanting something. What do I want? Am I willing to wait for it, work for it? Whatever that "it" may be. Right now, I'm not sure what that "it" may be in my life. There are days I feel like I accomplish little. Until I remember the ministry I have with grandchildren. What a blessing!
There are many accounts in the Bible of men and women with passion. Paul was most passionate, before he was a Christian and afterwards. We, as God's children, we need to be passionate in our walk with Him.
Queen Esther had a passion to save her people. This was declared in the danger of her own life. She knew the king could have her killed if she went in his presence without an invitation. Yet, in spite of this knowledge, she stepped out of her comfort to save her people.
Jesus was passionate...He kept his eyes fixed on Jerusalem. Although He knew his death was imminent.