Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Lesson in Folding Clothes

1 Peter 2:21 "To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps."

Yesterday I was folding clothes, and of course, Promise being 5 years old wanted to help. "Grandma, I fold do my clothes." Knowing they wouldn't be folded perfectly, I could have told her to go play and I'll do it. But I wanted her to be a part of household chores. She worked diligently. She never knew her little pulse of folded clothes were more like blobs. She would try to mimic my folding.

Then I was reminded that this is exactly how we are with our life. God has shown us how to live. He gave us Jesus as our example. We think we know how to do it, but we make such a mess of things. We really mess up kingdom work. But God let's us work away trying to mimic Him, all the while seeing what a mess it really is. But He doesn't pull us out of the work. His Grace allows us to keep going. God is so patient with us and all our little piles of "folded" blobs.

I need to be more diligent in the Word, and then obediently follow His examples.

God bless you

1 comment:

teresa said...

sooooo true. God is so patient with me. thanks for your post. you are a blessing.